Decorations are an important part in our lives


Hello! As we close week three of shelter in place here in California, let me offer up a few rambling thoughts and observations from the comfort of my home. Movement is vital, comic relief is necessary, and connection is critical. Creative cooking, interesting books, and (ath)leisure suits are life. Demanding a schedule, declaring dishwasher wars, and not getting enough sleep will eat you alive and…

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Cannonball Cabernet Sauvignon Wines


Hello! One week of “shelter in place” down, and an unknown number to go!:) Strange times for sure, so we need connection and consistency now more than ever to stay sane. I didn’t put anything out last week because frankly, I wasn’t feeling very creative and the daily schedule disruption was a bit weird. We had some kids at home that…

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I’m so confused by this recent meme that’s been circulating after the J. Lo Superbowl Halftime show. First of all, let’s just say, she completely rocked it. She’s talented, beautiful, hard-working, all of it, so why are people knocking that she looks so fabulous at 50? Like we’re not supposed to look like her at…

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The Back of a Bride and Groom Walking


Four score and one husband ago, I used to have a blog. It was a different time (almost ten years ago!) when I lived in a different state (physically and mentally), and it was undoubtedly a VERY different stage of life. My kids were 8,6, and 3 at the time, and I am so grateful…

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The Mom Mystique


Every now and then a break is necessary. From the chaos, the cleaning, the kids, and all that comes with what can at times feel the monotony of daily life. To keep our batteries charged and perspective fresh, a solo or female bonding getaway can be just what the doctor ordered. There’s the ever-popular yoga…

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White Notebook The Mom Mystique


#Obsessed! Every week I’ll share my latest obsessions. Things that I love, my latest discoveries and my favorite places. It may be a book, a store, a pair of fabulous jeans, a new restaurant, or must taste wine. In a tilt-a-whirl world of school, sports schedules, and general household mayhem, it’s important to have something…

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The Mom Mystique


Note- I thought it appropriate to open the blog with this piece I wrote a few weeks ago when my oldest son headed out for his first semester of college. In this season of change and transition that so many of us Mom’s are going through, I found it soothing and empowering to put feelings…

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